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School Improvement Plan (SIP)

The process of improvement planning in Sequoyah High School is used as a means of determining how we plan to ensure that students reach proficiency in meeting the Georgia Standards. This process focuses on school and district efforts to enhance instruction and educational opportunities by bringing together all stakeholders to plan for improvement, by focusing planning efforts on priority needs and closing achievement gaps between subgroups of students, by building upon school and district capacity for high quality planning and instruction, ensuring that students are taught by highly qualified teachers, and by making connections between local, state, and federal funds that flow into the district and the priority needs in schools. Sequoyah High School believes that a comprehensive needs assessment is an ongoing process that requires input from all stakeholders (students, teachers, staff, parents, community members & school leaders) to ensure that instruction has rigor and relevance and is aligned to the Georgia Standards. Input from these stakeholders drive the school improvement plan, which is a living data-driven guide used to increase student achievement by providing quality instruction to our students.

2024-25 School Improvement Plan


Sequoyah SIP Executive Summary 23-24

Georgia DOE School System Financial Information

GOSA School Report Card

2023-24 Sequoyah HS SIP Impact Review Session 1

2023-24 Sequoyah HS SIP Impact Review Session 2

2023-24 Sequoyah HS SIP Impact Review Session 3